Type: Shop-in-shop
Client: Han Kjøbenhavn
Location: Magasin du Nord, Copenhagen, Denmark
Status: Completed, October 2019

Spatial identity

Han Kjøbenhavn was founded in Copenhagen, 2008.
Offering eyewear, menswear and womenswear. The vision of Han Kjøbenhavn is to create an uncompromising and unconventional universe, built upon creativity, storytelling and craftsmanship – with the ambition of taking people on a journey to new places.

Han Kjøbenhavn creates their collections based upon a concept full of utra personal references, local memories and aesthetics associated with the work class. A tough attitude softened by the dear love for the origin of the brand; Hvidovre. 

Proud to be working class and proud to work with fine culture. The creative direction of Han Kjøbenhavn wish to stay true to the brand’s working class origin and simultaneously challenging the traditional upper class by combining the two in a new controversial clash.

This cultural clash has been the main inspiration for the spatial identity created by Spacon & X. The HAN Kjøbenhavn shop-in-shop is a one-of-a-kind combination between bodybuilding equipment, pink growing light and suburban interior from a 70’s living room. A flashback to the teenage life in Hvidovre with all its visual references and vulnerable memories.


Building a shop inside an existing store leaves room for experimental expression and concept development. Allowing Spacon & X to practice skills which distinguish the studio from traditional architects - material experiments and formation of spatial identity.

According to Han Kjøbenhavn and Spacon & X a successful shop-in-shop concept has to disrupt the ordinary shopping experience and force the visitors to take a stand and react on the design in front of them.

A walk through

The interior materialises the meeting between life of youth and the immortal suburban ambiance. Classic carpentry, textured vintage glass meets bodybuilding equipment and HAN logos simulating the logos of a scooter. On tiled tables are dead flowers and porcelain sculptures place next to the newest fashion accessories designed by Han Kjøbenhavn. Rather you recognize the tables from your own childhood home or not they are rarely seen in fashion stores. The rare use of recognizable elements continues in the female section of HAN Kjøbenhavn. The prink growing lights hinting to a girly colour but between the lines the light tells a story about smokers delight and growing up in the outskirts of Copenhagen.

The HAN Kjøbenhavn shop-in-shop is not only about aesthetics but about reading into the visual stories in order to understand the core of the creative decisions of the interior as well as the garments.


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